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Volunteer Information & Policies

Humboldt Unified School DistrictVolunteer Information and Policies

Who is a school volunteer? Any person who contributes her or his time voluntarily in order to enrich and enhance the school program, or to better meet the individual needs of the students. Volunteers usually help under the direction and guidance of certified schoolteachers and staff.

Volunteer Applications Are Mandatory: Any school volunteer, even if helping just occasionally must fill out a volunteer application and complete the fingerprinting process. Every parent and community member must be registered to help out at any Humboldt school. Volunteers, who have previously completed an application and were approved at any school in our district, need not fill out a new one. However, they should complete an update form each fall.

Volunteers Must Sign In and Out: All volunteers who help at school must sign in and out every time. Every school office has sign-up books usually at the front counter.

Volunteer Badges: They are available for anyone who helps out regularly and are located at the front office. Volunteer tags are to be worn at all times while on campus.