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School Band Membership Criteria

Liberty Traditional School
6th Period Elective: Chamber Singers
Membership Criteria


Any middle school student who wishes to gain membership must meet these items:

* Be enrolled at LTS, in 6th, 7th, or 8th grades or home-schooled locally in those grades.

* Have a desire to sing and perform musical material chosen by the music director conforming to state standards in preparation for high school choirs.

* Be able to show ability through interview/audition with the music director, time to be arranged throughout the year between student and director.

* Already have and shall maintain good grades in all classes ( No “D”s or “F”s) and have excellent behavior in any classroom ( No Referrals).

* Be totally committed to the performance schedule, it is understood that notice shall be given as early as possible and that serious family conflicts shall pre-empt a student from performing.

* There must be room in classroom size before a student can join. Current size is based on available outfits, 28 dresses and 4 shirts and ties. If there are more students than there is room for, preference shall be given to older students, i.e.: 8th over 7th and 7th over 6th.

* If a student drops out of Chamber Singers for any reason, they shall lose their seniority and begin again at the bottom after 6th graders.

* Pay the membership dues which are set by the membership by 1st week of class. ($5.00 in 2008)

* Agree to wear the official Chamber Singer outfit as approved by PTO/LAC.

* Have parents/guardians who agree to transport their student to and from events,
chaperone and assist a least one Chamber Singer production per year.

* Sign the Chamber Singer contract and agree to its expectations.

* The administration retains full discretionary power over all matters.

Failure to meet these criteria items could cause dismissal from the class.