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Gates open at 7:40 am.

All classes begin promptly at 8:00 am- teachers bring students in at the 7:55 am bell.
Mon/Tues/Thur/Fri- 8:00 am-2:45 pm
Wednesday early release days- 8:00 am-1:45 pm


As an alternative school of choice in Humboldt Unified School District, all resident and nonresident students are accepted here under the district’s Open Enrollment Policy JFB. To register your child in a Humboldt Unified School District school for the first time, you will need to bring a certified copy of the child's birth certificate, current immunization records, and proof of residence. A child must be 5 years of age before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten and 6 years old before September 1st to enter first grade.


Regular attendance is essential for success in school; therefore absences shall be excused only for illness, bereavement, family emergencies and observance of major religious holidays of the family's faith. In the event that a student is absent from school, please notify the school office by 8:30 a.m. of the day the student is absent and give the reason for the absence. If a parent does not have access to a phone, it will be necessary to send a note stating the reason for the absence. Remember to call the school office at 759-4506 to report absences. Feel free to leave a message if the call comes before or after hours. Students with unexcused absences are considered truant according to Arizona Revised Statute 15-803.

For students in grades K-8 School attendance letters will be sent home on the 5th total absence each semester. A second letter will be sent home upon the child reaching the 9th total absence each semester along with a follow-up phone call. Upon reaching the 9th absence in a semester a phone call and/or conference will be made from the Principal indicating that the next absence will result in a referral to the District School Resource Officer.  A Stop Truancy from occurring Program (S.T.O.P.) letter will be initiated upon the 11th absence, which could result in a referral to the Yavapai County Juvenile Probation Office.


It is very important that your child be punctual for class. Tardiness is disruptive to the learning process. It has a negative impact on the entire class and not just the child that is tardy. Students arriving to school after the roll is taken will be required to report to the office to have their name removed from the absence list and pick up a tardy slip. In order for the tardy to be excused, a note or call from the parent is required with a valid excuse (ie. Doctor, dental appointments, bereavement or family emergencies). Once the fourth unexcused tardy is logged, the student will be referred for disciplinary action.


As students prepare for high school, the level of responsibility increases in class work, homework, tardies and absences. The more often your child is present at school the better chance they have to be successful in their academic program. 

One day absent – work will be made up upon return.

Absences of two days or more – work requests must be made before 8:30 a.m. on the second day of the absence, and the parent may come to the office between 2:45 and 3:30 that afternoon to pick up any work. Please note: if you request work but are not able to pick it up, please call the office to let us know.

Extended absences may have the work divided up. If the teacher has the work available they will send home the work with the student before they leave school. The balance of the work must be obtained after the student's return. A student usually has as many days as they were absent in which to make up the missed work. Please realize that sometimes lessons taught in class may never be recreated or put on paper.


Parent-Teacher conferences are held in the fall of each school year. Teachers will contact each parent and schedule appointments on the days set aside by the district. Other conferences will be scheduled as needed by the teacher or the parent.

If you need to talk with your child’s teacher at other times, you may call the school office and leave a message for the teacher or write a note in the planner or on the homework sheet. Teachers will return your call at their earliest convenience. There are times that the teacher will write a message to the parent regarding various concerns and a prompt response to this message is appreciated. In the middle school, if you wish to set up a conference with all your child’s teachers, please contact the homeroom teacher (in the agenda or by phone) to make the appointment.


In the event of snowy or inclement weather conditions, the Superintendent may choose to close the schools. Classes will not be held and busses will not run. The Superintendent may choose to open the school on a shortened schedule, in which case, all classes would start and all busses would run two hours later than normal. Dismissal would be at the normal time. Announcements of either schedule can be heard on most local radio stations (a station list will be included in a district letter) beginning at 6:30 A.M. Anytime we have ice or snow, parents should monitor one of these stations for an update.

Please note; Breakfast will not be available on two-hour delay days.


Students leaving early for any reason will need to be signed out in the school office. For the protection of our students, they will not be allowed to leave campus without the parent or guardian checking them out at the school office. If the pick-up arrangements need to be changed, please write a note in the agenda or send a note with your child each time.  Students will NOT be permitted to call home to make non-emergency transportation arrangements during the school day, and then if necessary, no later then 2:15, (safety issue.) Planning ahead will reduce the chance of our missed communication of transportation changes.


When a student brings a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and kept inside their backpack during the entire school day. It cannot be taken out of the backpack or turned on until that student is physically off campus. Cell phones will be confiscated by the school staff and taken to the office.  1st offense - student may pick up the phone in the office after school with a BIP.  2nd offense and beyond - parent must pick up the phone and student will receive a referral.


We encourage parents to visit school frequently. ALL visitors must sign in at the office upon entering the school. The office staff will issue a visitor’s badge if the visitor is not a registered volunteer with a district-issued badge. Our Liberty staff has been instructed to ask all visitors and volunteers if they have signed in at the office. Younger brothers and sisters or non-Liberty friends are not permitted to attend classes.


The district does not carry insurance for student’s medical or dental costs if they are injured during school activities. Parents are responsible for their children's insurance. An optional school day or 24-hour accident policy is available at school through a private agency. Information on the policy goes home with each child in the fall. Parents may pick up additional forms and purchase the insurance at any time throughout the school year.

In an emergency, the school may need to call paramedics, who may decide that an ambulance should be called. The parents pay for these services.


A parking rack is available for students who ride bicycles to school. To prevent bicycle theft, parents should make sure children have and use bicycle locks. For children’s safety, we recommend that students in second grade and under not ride bicycles to school. Bicycle riding is not permitted on school campus. We expect children to wear helmets as a safety precaution. Students with bicycles are expected to leave the campus immediately at dismissal unless otherwise directed by school personnel. 


For the safety of your children, DO NOT drop off students prior to 7:35 a.m. Student supervision begins after 7:40 a.m.   ALL drop off and pick ups should be made ONLY in our south parking lot.


The school recognizes children on their birthdays; however in keeping with Liberty’s philosophy of academic programs, no other treats or birthday recognition during school time is permitted, no flowers, balloons, or gifts are to be brought or delivered to school. Parents and/or students are asked not to pass out party invitations on campus during school hours.

Liberty does not have school dances or socials.

Classes will have three parties throughout the year: Christmas/Winter, Valentine’s Day, and End of Year. These activities will be coordinated with the teacher and the Volunteer Homeroom Mom.


Medication: Administering Medicines to Students – H.U.S.D. Policy JHCD

If it is necessary for a student to take over the counter or prescription medicine during school hours, the nurse or designee of the principal may administer the medication when the following requirements are met:

Prescription Medications:

·         The law (A.R.S. 15-344) requires medication to be delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult and not a student.

·         Medication must be in the original container prepared by the pharmacist.

·         A form will need to be completed by the parent giving permission for school personnel to administer the medicine to your child.

Non Prescription/Over the Counter Drugs:

·         The law (A.R.S. 15-344) requires medication to be provided and delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult and not the student.

·         Medication must be in the original, unopened container as packaged by the manufacturer and labeled with the student’s name.

A form will need to be completed by the parent giving permission for school personnel to administer the medicine to your child.

All medication/inhalers from home must be stored and locked in the nurse’s office, unless special arrangements are made with the nurse. They are not to be left in the classroom in a child’s desk or backpack.

Health Screening

Screenings are also a routine part of the School Health Program. Screenings may include height, weight, vision, hearing, dental, blood pressure, Acanthosis Nigricans (AN), scoliosis, body mass index (BMI), and color deficiency. If you do not want your child included in any part of our screening program, you must notify the nurse in writing each year of the programs in which your student may not participate.

If any abnormalities are discovered as a result of the screening, parents/guardians will be notified and recommendations made for further evaluation.


Please call the school if your child has a communicable disease such as: chicken pox, measles, mumps, strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye) or any infestations of lice.

Although we encourage perfect attendance for students, we advise students not to be sent to school if they are ill. Signs and symptoms which would indicate the need to keep them home include, but are not limited to:

·         A fever of 100˚ or more

·         Vomiting or diarrhea

·         An unexplained rash

Students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. You may be required to pick your child up if they have not been fever free for 24 hours. The Nurse or principals designee will have discretion as to re-admittance for diarrhea, vomiting, rash, etc.

If there should be any major or significant change in your child’s health, please notify the school nurse at 759-4510.

Emergency First Aid

Emergency first aid can be given by the nurse or a member of the school staff. If a student is seriously injured and needs medical attention, the parent is contacted and so advised. When the parent cannot be located, the school will exercise its legal option to act in the place of the parent and secure emergency treatment. If the parent cannot b e reached and the student needs immediate attention the paramedics will be called. Should your child require transport or treatment by ambulance, parents/guardians are responsible for all costs.

When students become ill at school, they are sent to the Nurse’s Office. If it is necessary for students to leave school, the parent will be contacted. The student is kept in the Nurse’s Office until the parent or guardian arrives or where adult supervision can be provided. No student may walk home ill. Parents are urged to keep a child home when they suspect illness. By instituting treatment at once, long illnesses may be prevented.

Emergency Information

Except in true emergencies, students are required to get a pass from their teacher or aide before visiting the Nurse’s Office.

The school nurse establishes and maintains a health record for each student. The health record contains immunization status, screening results, health history, and other information at the discretion of the school nurse. It is imperative that we have complete information. Annual update emergency medical information forms (EMI) are to be completed for each child in the family.

The update will ensure the school nurse’s ability to facilitate medical intervention should your child ever need care. You are asked to provide school personnel with current information so that you can be reached in the event of an illness or injury. Please be sure to note all medical conditions and allergies for the Nurse’s information. This is vital.

Health Services

Immunizations are required by Arizona State Law (A.R.S. 15-872). Required immunizations are: Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Varicella (chicken pox), measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), hepatitis B and meningitis. Please visit the HUSD website ( for specific requirements. Any new immunizations your child receives throughout the year should be reported to the school nurse.


Please put your child's name on clothing and all other personal things brought to school. Check with the office if your youngster loses something at school. At the end of the year, or when the Lost and Found becomes too full, we donate everything to a charitable group.


Breakfast and lunch are available daily through the District Food Services Program. Meals may be purchased for your child by opening a food account with the cafeteria clerk. Any amount of money can be deposited into the account. Meals may also be purchased on a daily basis at $2.35 per lunch for K-8 grades. Breakfast is $1.25. Milk and juice can be purchased for $.35.

The Food Service computer automatically figures the account balances. When your child's account balance is reduced to an equivalent of three meals, he will get a note, which states the current balance. Check with your child regularly to see if lunch money is available. If your child's account reaches a deficit level, he will be given milk, bread, and peanut butter until further deposits are made. Parents can call the cafeteria clerk at any time to find out their child's account balance. All balances at the end-of-the-year are refunded upon written request; requests must be made before the last day of school. While both checks and cash are accepted, should a check be written without sufficient funds, a cash only status will be applied to your child’s account.

Parents are welcome to eat lunch in the cafeteria with their children by paying for an adult lunch, which is $3.75. If you are planning to eat with your child, please notify the school office by 8:30 a.m. so that a lunch can be ordered for you.                     

HUSD Food Service sends home Free and Reduced Lunch applications at the beginning of each year and upon new enrollments later in the year.


It is our pleasure to be able to provide a well-stocked library for your student’s enjoyment and research. Our Librarian will be sending home a Parent Permission Slip for signature at the beginning of each school year. Each student is responsible in keeping the books checked out in good condition and returning them when the lending period is over. Failure to return a book or pay damage fees will result in loss of Library Privileges.


Extra-curricular activities take place before and after normal school hours. The school or PTO may sponsor programs such as arts and crafts, drama, languages, tutoring, and organized sports, provided there is funding available through PTO dues, grants, and Tax Credit Funds to pay to staff these programs. The Liberty Advisory Council has the responsibility of advisement to the principal on acceptance of extra-curricular activity proposals.

The 4th and 6th grade district intramural sports programs consist of after-school practices and competition, with no classroom pullouts for practices. Eligible students may participate in after-school programs according to district provisions. The fee for each sport is $50 with scholarships available.

Our middle school students also have and intramural sports program. Just before each season sports packets will be made available in the nurse’s office. The fee for each sport is $70 with scholarships available.


Liberty has an organized Student Council. Class representatives are elected in each 4th-8th-grade classroom. Fourth graders through eighth graders vote on the election of officers. Parent permission and teacher recommendation are necessary for students to be involved in student government. 

Student Handbook
DAILY SCHEDULEGates open at 7:40 am.All classes begin promptly at 8:00 am- teachers bring students in at the 7:55 am bell.
Mon/Tues/Thur/Fri- 8:00 am-2:45 pm
Wednesday early release days- 8:00 am-1:45 pm
 REGISTRATIONAs an alternative school of choice in Humboldt Unified School District, all resident and nonresident students are accepted here under the district’s Open Enrollment Policy JFB. To register your child in a Humboldt Unified School District school for the first time, you will need to bring a certified copy of the child's birth certificate, current immunization records, and proof of residence. A child must be 5 years of age before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten and 6 years old before September 1st to enter first grade.
Regular attendance is essential for success in school; therefore absences shall be excused only for illness, bereavement, family emergencies and observance of major religious holidays of the family's faith. In the event that a student is absent from school, please notify the school office by 8:30 a.m. of the day the student is absent and give the reason for the absence. If a parent does not have access to a phone, it will be necessary to send a note stating the reason for the absence. Remember to call the school office at 759-4506 to report absences. Feel free to leave a message if the call comes before or after hours. Students with unexcused absences are considered truant according to Arizona Revised Statute 15-803.  For students in grades K-8 School attendance letters will be sent home on the 5th total absence each semester. A second letter will be sent home upon the child reaching the 9th total absence each semester along with a follow-up phone call. Upon reaching the 9th absence in a semester a phone call and/or conference will be made from the Principal indicating that the next absence will result in a referral to the District School Resource Officer.  A Stop Truancy from occurring Program (S.T.O.P.) letter will be initiated upon the 11th absence, which could result in a referral to the Yavapai County Juvenile Probation Office. TARDIESIt is very important that your child be punctual for class. Tardiness is disruptive to the learning process. It has a negative impact on the entire class and not just the child that is tardy. Students arriving to school after the roll is taken will be required to report to the office to have their name removed from the absence list and pick up a tardy slip. In order for the tardy to be excused, a note or call from the parent is required with a valid excuse (ie. Doctor, dental appointments, bereavement or family emergencies). Once the fourth unexcused tardy is logged, the student will be referred for disciplinary action.ABSENCES AND MAKE-UP WORKAs students prepare for high school, the level of responsibility increases in class work, homework, tardies and absences. The more often your child is present at school the better chance they have to be successful in their academic program. One day absent – work will be made up upon return.

Absences of two days or more – work requests must be made before 8:30 a.m. on the second day of the absence, and the parent may come to the office between 2:45 and 3:30 that afternoon to pick up any work. Please note: if you request work but are not able to pick it up, please call the office to let us know.

Extended absences may have the work divided up. If the teacher has the work available they will send home the work with the student before they leave school. The balance of the work must be obtained after the student's return. A student usually has as many days as they were absent in which to make up the missed work. Please realize that sometimes lessons taught in class may never be recreated or put on paper. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES AND COMMUNICATIONParent-Teacher conferences are held in the fall of each school year. Teachers will contact each parent and schedule appointments on the days set aside by the district. Other conferences will be scheduled as needed by the teacher or the parent. If you need to talk with your child’s teacher at other times, you may call the school office and leave a message for the teacher or write a note in the planner or on the homework sheet. Teachers will return your call at their earliest convenience. There are times that the teacher will write a message to the parent regarding various concerns and a prompt response to this message is appreciated. In the middle school, if you wish to set up a conference with all your child’s teachers, please contact the homeroom teacher (in the agenda or by phone) to make the appointment.  SNOW DAY POLICYIn the event of snowy or inclement weather conditions, the Superintendent may choose to close the schools. Classes will not be held and busses will not run. The Superintendent may choose to open the school on a shortened schedule, in which case, all classes would start and all busses would run two hours later than normal. Dismissal would be at the normal time. Announcements of either schedule can be heard on most local radio stations (a station list will be included in a district letter) beginning at 6:30 A.M. Anytime we have ice or snow, parents should monitor one of these stations for an update.Please note; Breakfast will not be available on two-hour delay days. STUDENT SIGN OUT and BUS CHANGESStudents leaving early for any reason will need to be signed out in the school office. For the protection of our students, they will not be allowed to leave campus without the parent or guardian checking them out at the school office. If the pick-up arrangements need to be changed, please write a note in the agenda or send a note with your child each time.  Students will NOT be permitted to call home to make non-emergency transportation arrangements during the school day, and then if necessary, no later then 2:15, (safety issue.) Planning ahead will reduce the chance of our missed communication of transportation changes.

CELL PHONE POLICYWhen a student brings a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and kept inside their backpack during the entire school day. It cannot be taken out of the backpack or turned on until that student is physically off campus. Cell phones will be confiscated by the school staff and taken to the office.  1st offense - student may pick up the phone in the office after school with a BIP.  2nd offense and beyond - parent must pick up the phone and student will receive a referral.

SCHOOL VISITSWe encourage parents to visit school frequently. ALL visitors must sign in at the office upon entering the school. The office staff will issue a visitor’s badge if the visitor is not a registered volunteer with a district-issued badge. Our Liberty staff has been instructed to ask all visitors and volunteers if they have signed in at the office. Younger brothers and sisters or non-Liberty friends are not permitted to attend classes. INSURANCEThe district does not carry insurance for student’s medical or dental costs if they are injured during school activities. Parents are responsible for their children's insurance. An optional school day or 24-hour accident policy is available at school through a private agency. Information on the policy goes home with each child in the fall. Parents may pick up additional forms and purchase the insurance at any time throughout the school year. In an emergency, the school may need to call paramedics, who may decide that an ambulance should be called. The parents pay for these services.

BICYCLESA parking rack is available for students who ride bicycles to school. To prevent bicycle theft, parents should make sure children have and use bicycle locks. For children’s safety, we recommend that students in second grade and under not ride bicycles to school. Bicycle riding is not permitted on school campus. We expect children to wear helmets as a safety precaution. Students with bicycles are expected to leave the campus immediately at dismissal unless otherwise directed by school personnel.  STUDENT DROP-OFF AND PICK-UPFor the safety of your children, DO NOT drop off students prior to 7:35 a.m. Student supervision begins after 7:40 a.m.   ALL drop off and pick ups should be made ONLY in our south parking lot. STUDENT BIRTHDAYS AND CLASS PARTIESThe school recognizes children on their birthdays; however in keeping with Liberty’s philosophy of academic programs, no other treats or birthday recognition during school time is permitted, no flowers, balloons, or gifts are to be brought or delivered to school. Parents and/or students are asked not to pass out party invitations on campus during school hours. Liberty does not have school dances or socials. Classes will have three parties throughout the year: Christmas/Winter, Valentine’s Day, and End of Year. These activities will be coordinated with the teacher and the Volunteer Homeroom Mom. HEALTH SERVICESMedication: Administering Medicines to Students – H.U.S.D. Policy JHCDIf it is necessary for a student to take over the counter or prescription medicine during school hours, the nurse or designee of the principal may administer the medication when the following requirements are met: Prescription Medications:·         The law (A.R.S. 15-344) requires medication to be delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult and not a student. ·         Medication must be in the original container prepared by the pharmacist.·         A form will need to be completed by the parent giving permission for school personnel to administer the medicine to your child.Non Prescription/Over the Counter Drugs:·         The law (A.R.S. 15-344) requires medication to be provided and delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult and not the student.·         Medication must be in the original, unopened container as packaged by the manufacturer and labeled with the student’s name.A form will need to be completed by the parent giving permission for school personnel to administer the medicine to your child.All medication/inhalers from home must be stored and locked in the nurse’s office, unless special arrangements are made with the nurse. They are not to be left in the classroom in a child’s desk or backpack. Health ScreeningScreenings are also a routine part of the School Health Program. Screenings may include height, weight, vision, hearing, dental, blood pressure, Acanthosis Nigricans (AN), scoliosis, body mass index (BMI), and color deficiency. If you do not want your child included in any part of our screening program, you must notify the nurse in writing each year of the programs in which your student may not participate.If any abnormalities are discovered as a result of the screening, parents/guardians will be notified and recommendations made for further evaluation. IllnessPlease call the school if your child has a communicable disease such as: chicken pox, measles, mumps, strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye) or any infestations of lice.Although we encourage perfect attendance for students, we advise students not to be sent to school if they are ill. Signs and symptoms which would indicate the need to keep them home include, but are not limited to:·         A fever of 100˚ or more·         Vomiting or diarrhea·         An unexplained rash

Students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. You may be required to pick your child up if they have not been fever free for 24 hours. The Nurse or principals designee will have discretion as to re-admittance for diarrhea, vomiting, rash, etc.If there should be any major or significant change in your child’s health, please notify the school nurse at 759-4510. Emergency First AidEmergency first aid can be given by the nurse or a member of the school staff. If a student is seriously injured and needs medical attention, the parent is contacted and so advised. When the parent cannot be located, the school will exercise its legal option to act in the place of the parent and secure emergency treatment. If the parent cannot b e reached and the student needs immediate attention the paramedics will be called. Should your child require transport or treatment by ambulance, parents/guardians are responsible for all costs.

When students become ill at school, they are sent to the Nurse’s Office. If it is necessary for students to leave school, the parent will be contacted. The student is kept in the Nurse’s Office until the parent or guardian arrives or where adult supervision can be provided. No student may walk home ill. Parents are urged to keep a child home when they suspect illness. By instituting treatment at once, long illnesses may be prevented. Emergency InformationExcept in true emergencies, students are required to get a pass from their teacher or aide before visiting the Nurse’s Office.

The school nurse establishes and maintains a health record for each student. The health record contains immunization status, screening results, health history, and other information at the discretion of the school nurse. It is imperative that we have complete information. Annual update emergency medical information forms (EMI) are to be completed for each child in the family.

The update will ensure the school nurse’s ability to facilitate medical intervention should your child ever need care. You are asked to provide school personnel with current information so that you can be reached in the event of an illness or injury. Please be sure to note all medical conditions and allergies for the Nurse’s information. This is vital. Health ServicesImmunizations are required by Arizona State Law (A.R.S. 15-872). Required immunizations are: Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Varicella (chicken pox), measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), hepatitis B and meningitis. Please visit the HUSD website ( for specific requirements. Any new immunizations your child receives throughout the year should be reported to the school nurse.  LOST AND FOUNDPlease put your child's name on clothing and all other personal things brought to school. Check with the office if your youngster loses something at school. At the end of the year, or when the Lost and Found becomes too full, we donate everything to a charitable group.  CAFETERIABreakfast and lunch are available daily through the District Food Services Program. Meals may be purchased for your child by opening a food account with the cafeteria clerk. Any amount of money can be deposited into the account. Meals may also be purchased on a daily basis at $2.35 per lunch for K-8 grades. Breakfast is $1.25. Milk and juice can be purchased for $.35. The Food Service computer automatically figures the account balances. When your child's account balance is reduced to an equivalent of three meals, he will get a note, which states the current balance. Check with your child regularly to see if lunch money is available. If your child's account reaches a deficit level, he will be given milk, bread, and peanut butter until further deposits are made. Parents can call the cafeteria clerk at any time to find out their child's account balance. All balances at the end-of-the-year are refunded upon written request; requests must be made before the last day of school. While both checks and cash are accepted, should a check be written without sufficient funds, a cash only status will be applied to your child’s account. Parents are welcome to eat lunch in the cafeteria with their children by paying for an adult lunch, which is $3.75. If you are planning to eat with your child, please notify the school office by 8:30 a.m. so that a lunch can be ordered for you.                             HUSD Food Service sends home Free and Reduced Lunch applications at the beginning of each year and upon new enrollments later in the year. LIBRARY It is our pleasure to be able to provide a well-stocked library for your student’s enjoyment and research. Our Librarian will be sending home a Parent Permission Slip for signature at the beginning of each school year. Each student is responsible in keeping the books checked out in good condition and returning them when the lending period is over. Failure to return a book or pay damage fees will result in loss of Library Privileges. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESExtra-curricular activities take place before and after normal school hours. The school or PTO may sponsor programs such as arts and crafts, drama, languages, tutoring, and organized sports, provided there is funding available through PTO dues, grants, and Tax Credit Funds to pay to staff these programs. The Liberty Advisory Council has the responsibility of advisement to the principal on acceptance of extra-curricular activity proposals. The 4th and 6th grade district intramural sports programs consist of after-school practices and competition, with no classroom pullouts for practices. Eligible students may participate in after-school programs according to district provisions. The fee for each sport is $50 with scholarships available. Our middle school students also have and intramural sports program. Just before each season sports packets will be made available in the nurse’s office. The fee for each sport is $70 with scholarships available. STUDENT COUNCILLiberty has an organized Student Council. Class representatives are elected in each 4th-8th-grade classroom. Fourth graders through eighth graders vote on the election of officers. Parent permission and teacher recommendation are necessary for students to be involved in student government.