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Decision Making

Decision Making
The Liberty Advisory Council

Pursuant to A.R.S 15-352-2B the school’s council is the Liberty Advisory Council. It is comprised of the four PTO Executive Officers, the Volunteer Coordinator, and the school’s five member Leader Team (four elected teachers and one principal-selected support staff). The purpose of the Liberty Advisory Council is to advise the principal on matters of the school, confirming the belief in the efficacy of shared decision-making at the school site. We believe that persons who work in and are served by Liberty Traditional School should make decisions. Each advisory council member is to communicate effectively with and represent the constituency from which the council members are elected. The principal facilitates the council meetings by seeking advisement in the decision-making process to ensure the consistent implementation of the school's philosophy and mission. School committee chairpersons give reports to help with this advisement and are delegated responsibilities from the council. Council meetings are held monthly and all parents, teachers, and staff members are invited and encouraged to attend. Minutes of meetings are posted in the office and the Media Room.


There are six Standing Committees and any number of Ad Hoc Committees. The standing committees are co-chaired by PTO Board members and Liberty Staff members. Committee membership is open to all staff and parents in Liberty.


The PTO is a very important component of the school’s governance. The PTO has a Board of Directors consisting of 8 (10) elected parents. Each of the board members co-chairs school committees with staff members. Committee reports are given at the Liberty Advisory Council meetings. PTO Board members are requested to be at these meeting to provide productive comments about school-related issues. Minutes of meetings are kept in notebooks in the school office and meetings dates are posted with the school secretary and updated in the Liberty Flyer.

Serving on committees is one example of the cooperative effort of parents and staff working together here at Liberty. Liberty Traditional School stands for our families’ freedom to choose a school where basic academic skills, personal responsibility, and patriotism are stressed above all else. Academic time is protected, and it is for this reason that many optional programs seen at other schools are not available during classroom time at Liberty. Children at Liberty learn responsibility for themselves and their actions, and this helps prepare them for their future as responsible adults. Liberty seeks to instill in all its students the value of education, and the belief that they can achieve whatever it is they set out to achieve. These beliefs and the basic foundation of both the Liberty PTO and of the school are set out in Liberty's Mission and Philosophy.

In order to run for the PTO Board, one must be a dues-paying parent, a class three volunteer (see volunteer requirements) and willing to uphold our school’s mission and philosophy. The PTO Board members are elected for a two-year term. Six are elected each spring. Dues must be paid in order to vote! PTO meeting dates correspond with Liberty Advisory Council meetings and are published in the Liberty Flyer, the weekly school newsletter.

Unlike programs in other schools, Liberty Traditional School children do not fundraise! (The only exception is the limited Student Council fundraising) Upon payment of annual PTO dues of $20.00 per family, parents and staff become members of the PTO. These dues are one of the parent-based fundraising activities that provide funds for school needs not covered by the district-allotted funds. The PTO operates any fundraising operations or events.

You may contact any of your PTO representatives. They are your voice in the governance of the school! Their phone numbers are on page 29.

HUSD Governing Board Policy
K-2300.1 KHC

The elementary and middle schools (pre-kindergarten through eighth grade) are maintained as closed forums. The Board recognizes that elementary and middle school students are impressionable. Opinions expressed in non-school-related materials not primarily prepared by students may nevertheless be perceived as being sponsored or endorsed by the District merely because the materials are distributed at these schools. Only materials that are primarily prepared by students or that concern school-sponsored organizations or activities are considered sufficiently related to the educational goals of the school to be distributed by students upon school grounds.

Non-school promotional literature soliciting for or promoting participation in commercial offerings, politics or religion will not be allowed on school property during school sessions. Nonprofit organizations providing instruction and practice for school age students in the areas of instruction shall be permitted limited display or positing of promotional literature for those activities at an individual school site after completion and administration approval of form KHC-E.