Student Handbook
Welcome to Liberty Traditional School! I hope our handbook provides the information that will help you and your children become a part of our learning community. We have a dedicated staff here at Liberty, committed to providing an excellent, high quality traditional education. However, to achieve that goal, it will take the combined efforts of both school and home. Because of the philosophy of high parental involvement, our handbook emphasizes research-proven areas of parental involvement: Communicating, Learning at Home, Decision-Making, Volunteering, and Parenting. I urge each one of you to be involved in the school in some capacity. Your ideas, talents, and time will be greatly appreciated and will help to strengthen our school and its ability to educate your children.
Liberty Traditional School is an alternative K-8 school in the Humboldt Unified School District, established for the purpose of teaching basic skills. Through the energies of many parents in the area, the Humboldt Unified School District Governing Board established Liberty Traditional School as an alternative school of choice in 1994. It began at the Bradshaw Mountain Middle School campus as a K-6 school. Now the school educates kindergarteners through eighth graders.